Alice’s school, Walthamstow Hall School, picks Alice’s Arc as it’s charity for the year

The school that Alice attended in Sevenoaks, Walthamstow Hall School, have chosen to support Alice’s Arc for the academic 2019/20 year. In the week after Alice died they had a lemonade stall in the Junior School and a charity singing event at the Senior School. They also came up with the idea and design of a ‘go gold’ Alice bow for pupils to wear at Alice’s funeral. We are planning to mass produce and sell this gold ‘Alice’ bow to raise awareness of childhood cancer. They also have lots of other novel ideas in the fundraising pipeline. Thank you so much from Alice’s Arc.

Previously the school has also hosted a family fun fete, staff have participated in a colour run and they also went gold in support of childhood cancer awareness month.


Read all the latest fundraising news, charity news and commentary on childhood cancer.

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