Alice’s three month off relapse treatment scans are clear

Following Alice’s relapse in February 2018 her three month off 2nd treatment scans are clear of cancer. Alice received six rounds of VIT chemotherapy alongside the AMORE treatment in Amsterdam. Alice spent three weeks in Amsterdam, where she received surgery to remove the tumour, 3 days of brachytherapy which was given every two hours 24 hours a day and a second surgery to close up the wound following completion of brachytherapy.

Alice’s Arc is delighted that the VIT chemo in combination with the AMORE procedure in Amsterdam has given Alice another opportunity to enjoy a ‘normal’ life as a 7 year old. AMORE currently has to be self funded by families whose children meet the criteria for the procedure. We believe it should be made available as a treatment option on the NHS for head and neck rhabdomyosarcoma patients. VIT chemo alone would only have prolonged Alice’s life. AMORE gives a chance of a cure which is difficult to achieve after a relapse of rhabdomyosarcoma.


Read all the latest fundraising news, charity news and commentary on childhood cancer.

A team of 105 runners comprising scientists, doctors, surgeons, nurses, pharmacists, families, friends, parents all ran together.
This incredible community event marked Mollie’s five year anniversary of her diagnosis with rhabdomyosarcoma.
An insight into life in the laboratory for Post Doc, Dr Christina Burke.