Annual Report 2021 – 2022

We are pleased to share our Annual Report covering 1st October 2021 to 30th September 2022.

Please click here to read all about what happened in the full report! This includes an update on the Arcs, a research focus, fundraising activity, other news, future plans and our financial summary over the year.


  • £670,112 raised during this period
  • £392K donated to the University of Birmingham, the Institute of Cancer Research, Wellcome Sanger and the EpSSG
  • Over £2.6million raised since the inception of the charity in November 2015
  • 10 new Arcs joined our first six Arcs during this time
  • Awarded our largest grant to date of £1million for a project led by the Institute of Cancer Research exploring the question of why rhabdomyosarcoma relapses when genetic conditions remain the same
  • Currently have a portfolio of nine rhabdomyosarcoma research projects across UK research institutions. 


As ever, we are so grateful to all the families, friends and communities who have worked with us this year. Our progress would not be possible without you. Together we are stronger. Please continue to help us pave the way for progress in the fight against rhabdomyosarcoma. And thanks to all those in the medical and scientific community supporting the charity and focussing on this under researched childhood cancer. We look forward to achieving breakthroughs together. Thank you so much.


Read all the latest fundraising news, charity news and commentary on childhood cancer.

This Request for Applications (RFA) in conjunction with SBF EPICC will lead to a $750K RMS research grant.
This incredible football fundraiser involving Neive’s community and professional footballers raised £5K.
A team of 105 runners comprising scientists, doctors, surgeons, nurses, pharmacists, families, friends, parents all ran together.