Elliott’s Arc raises £7.6K for 80 mile cycle

Elliott’s father and uncle took on this 80 mile cycling challenge ‘Around the Wash’ on Saturday 20th May 2023. The event raised an enormous £7.6K which will go towards our rhabdomyosarcoma research portfolio. The event was themed in true Elliott Spiderman style with cyclists dressed in full Spiderman attire.
Elliott’s Arc were overwhelmed and delighted with the donations and support shown from friends, family and their wider community. Since the launch of Elliott’s Arc in February 2023, they have donated £23K through various campaigns and corporate generosity.
Thank you so much to everyone at Elliott’s Arc for working with us to help make changes for those diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma in the future. We couldn’t do it without you. For Elliott ❤.


Read all the latest fundraising news, charity news and commentary on childhood cancer.

This Request for Applications (RFA) in conjunction with SBF EPICC will lead to a $750K RMS research grant.
This incredible football fundraiser involving Neive’s community and professional footballers raised £5K.
A team of 105 runners comprising scientists, doctors, surgeons, nurses, pharmacists, families, friends, parents all ran together.